Larry and Pam Bennett of IMPACT Search and Placement, L.L.C. of Portage, have long been supports of charitable causes. “Our family and company have been blessed in many was,” said Larry, “and we simply want to give something back and to a worthy cause! He further states, “Some years back and after much thought we picked a few good organizations to get involved with.
All of us are related to, or know someone who has been touch by cancer, so it was not hard for us to pick the Amercan Cancer Society for one of our donations and involvement. We feel that it is extremely important not only to donate towards the research, prevention, treatment and cure for cancer, but equally, to build the awareness of the deadly disease in women, men and children alike. We are not looking for praise or recognition; we are just trying to do our part!”
In doing their part, the Bennett family along with Bob DeLeon, Jr., owner of Dream Limousine have put together a package of four tickets to the Monday, March 26 game be the Detroit Red Wings and the Anaheim Ducks, plus a limo ride to the game and back. There will also be two tickets to the Detroit Redwings versus the Dallas Stars on Friday, March 30, plus another two tickets to the Red Wings versus the Columbus Blue Jackets on Thursday, March 22 at 7:30 p.m. All three events will be in the donation drawing at the benefit dance
Not to be out-done, St. Paddy’s Dance co-chair, Carolyn Miller’s husband, Dan of Steel Products in Homer donated four Detroit Tiger tickets for their game with the Chicago White Sox on Saturday, April 21. Along with the tickets come a gas card from Linda Smith, courtesy of Winston Park Shell in Marshall.
Special sponsors for the dance this year include: Kempf’s Funeral Home of Marshall, Caster Concepts of Albion, Denn’s Restaurant of Marshall, Winston Park Shell of Marshall, Standard Printing and Office Supplies of Marshall and Battle Creek Health Systems.
“We are very fortunate to have these businesses support our cause and thank them for being so generous,” said Karen Earl, dance co-chair.
The dance will be held Friday, March 16 at the Marshal Country Club and again features Michigan’s premier part band, Montage. Only 200 tickets are on sale for this special event and are available from Co-chairs, Karen Earl at 781-3211, Carolyn Miller at 781-8775 or at the Ad-Visor Office located at 514 S. Kalamazoo. Don’t miss out on all the fun and excitement; get your tickets now before they sell out!
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